Dear Future Boyfriend/Husband
I will never lie about who you are.
I will never pretend you aren’t my boyfriend.
Not to my parents,
Not to my family,
Not to my co-workers,
Not to my friends.
I won’t call you my “best friend” around my homophobic cousins.
I won’t let my parents call you my “special friend” around my homophobic cousins.
I won’t let my parents call you my “special friend” around my grandmother, who believes homosexuality is an abomination.
I won’t hide in the closet if I have you.
I won’t lie about you when someone asks what we are, regardless of the costs.
Because I value you.
I cherish you.
I don’t want to lose you.
I won’t stop holding your hand in public because it’s not fully accepted.
I won’t not kiss you when we’re out and about just because someone who is homophobic may be watching.
I won’t have other people tell me how I should treat someone I love.
You are worth more to me than all of that.
I won’t ever lead you to believe you are anything but the most important person in my life.
When we get married, even if it’s not legal, I’ll wear a wedding ring and call you my husband.
And everyone will know you’re all mine.
I will have pictures of us on my desk at work,
And on my phone,
And in my wallet.
Because I want them to see what we have.
I will not let homophobia dictate anything about our relationship.
Because I love you.
And I am proud of loving you.