
Princess Of China - deCoded

Once upon a time somebody ran

Somebody ran away saying ‘fast as I can
I got to go, I got to go’

This song, in true pop fashion, is all about a break-up from each side of the couple. Chris Martin sings from his perspective first, describing how he was the one to run away from the relationship.

Once upon a time we fell apart
You’re holding in your hands the two halves of my heart

He laments about how they fell apart: his ex “held both halves of his heart”, meaning she was the one to shatter and control his emotions.

Once upon a time we burned bright
Now all we ever seem to do is fight
On and on, and on and on and on

They used to shine together as a couple: their love was a fire that could not be put out. Until they started fighting, and it wouldn’t stop.

Once upon a time on the same side
Once upon a time on the same side in the same game
Now why d’you have to go
Have to go and throw water on my flame?

They used to be on the same side, supporting each other, but now they are on opposite ends against one another. She “threw water on his flame”, meaning she put out the fire in their relationship that kept them going.

I could have been a princess, you’d be a king
Could have had a castle and worn a ring
But no o-o-o-oh you let me go o-o-o-oh-oh
I could have been a princess, you’d be a king
Could have had a castle and worn a ring
But no-o-o-o-oh you let me go-o-o-o-oh
You stole my star

Now, Rihanna sings from her perspective in the song. Playing the female role of the relationship that went sour, she sings to her lover that ran away from her. To quote Adele, they could have had it all, just like royalty, but their relationship crumbled and her “king” left. He “stole her star”, which is essentially him taking the hope out of their love: she has nothing left to wish on anymore.

‘Cos you really hurt me, no you really hurt me
‘Cos you really hurt me, no you really hurt me
‘Cos you really hurt me, oh-oh you really hurt me,
‘Cos you really hurt me, oh-oh you really hurt me

The two sing bath and forth over each other, claiming how they both hurt each other but not taking responsibility for their actions. It’s a shame their relationship had to go down so dramatically!


Laying it To Rest


One more fuckin´ Lovesong, I'll be sick



You know I do

Dear Future Boyfriend/Husband

I will never lie about who you are.

I will never pretend you aren’t my boyfriend.

Not to my parents,

Not to my family,

Not to my co-workers,

Not to my friends.

I won’t call you my “best friend” around my homophobic cousins.

I won’t let my parents call you my “special friend” around my homophobic cousins.

I won’t let my parents call you my “special friend” around my grandmother, who believes homosexuality is an abomination.

I won’t hide in the closet if I have you.

I won’t lie about you when someone asks what we are, regardless of the costs.

Because I value you.

I cherish you.

I don’t want to lose you.

I won’t stop holding your hand in public because it’s not fully accepted.

I won’t not kiss you when we’re out and about just because someone who is homophobic may be watching.

I won’t have other people tell me how I should treat someone I love.

You are worth more to me than all of that.

I won’t ever lead you to believe you are anything but the most important person in my life.

When we get married, even if it’s not legal, I’ll wear a wedding ring and call you my husband.

And everyone will know you’re all mine.

I will have pictures of us on my desk at work,

And on my phone,

And in my wallet.

Because I want them to see what we have.

I will not let homophobia dictate anything about our relationship.

Because I love you.

And I am proud of loving you.




The Past


Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk is a project aiming to connect long distance lovers. Each person has a pillow for their bed and a ring sensor which they wear to sleep at night. The sensor communicates with the other person’s pillow wirelessly; when one person goes to bed, their lover’s pillow begins to glow softly to indicate their presence. Placing your head on the pillow allows you to hear the real-time heartbeat of your loved one.

I need this


You're taking up a lot of space in my head.


Chile var en riktigt bra upplevelse för mig, Jag känner att jag på något sätt lyckats bli mer av en självständig person med en helt annan syn på mitt liv.
Ända sen jag kom hem har jag gått runt med känslan av att jag inte riktigt hör hemma här längre och det gör jag inte! Jag hör verkligen inte hemma här det är ungefär som att jag numera är en fisk som är alldeles för stor för sin damm, jag måste upptäcka mina vyer och vara den person som jag vill vara samt leva det livet som jag vill leva.
Jag måste ge mig ut jag måste börja våga ta chanser även fast jag inte vet om jag kommer lyckas uppnå det jag vill så måste jag prova, jag vill resa till platser som jag aldrig trodde jag skulle besöka, jag vill göra saker jag aldrig trodde jag skulle få göra! Allt känns så nytt, uppfriskande, mystiskt men framförallt så känns det möjligt!
Innan jag åkte till Chile så kändes som att jag var personen som skulle glömmas och att jag skulle vara den som förlorade något men numera inser jag att JAG är "The One That Got Away" och inte tvärtom.
Det är dags för min berättelse att äntligen ta sin början i det nya kapitlet jag vill kalla livet.



Finns inga ord

You and only You

There is no way in Hell I'm giving up on you

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