Love Story

"I initially fell for David harder than he fell for me. I was in love with him before he was comfortable saying it, and I think that speaks to our past experiences. I remember saying, “I think I love you,” and he was like, “That’s really nice,” which is not necessarily what you want to hear. But I appreciated his honesty in not jumping the gun and saying something because he felt obliged to."


- Neil Patrick Harris, about the first time he said I love you too his husband.


The day you entered my life and changed it completely


No need for a Subtext

Bloody Merry Christmas

Giving up

Doesn't exist in my vocabulary

Lost in The World

Dem där stunderna när man finner orden för det man känner genom musiken


Det här bara för jävla vackert

Oh god damn it

It's one of THOSE days

Vill vi verkligen känna såhär om några år?


Tiden flyger förbi, det har snart gått två månader och jag kan fortfarande inte lyssna på hela den här sången
God knows how much I fucking miss you Mr.B

Damn it I feel Like som romance

Så på grund av Glee så har den här låten spelats flitigt under hela kvällen (samt vart fast i min skallen under dagen), Like what the fuck den är så otroligt jävla mysig och nya killen har en så söt röst och nej jag är inte kär i honom eller ok kanske lite men anyhow,
Poängen jag vill komma till är: Den här musiken på en veranda under en fin sommarnatt helst nära vattnet and I can die and go to heaven!
Perfect fucking evening!
Am I right or Am I right?

I'm sorry

It's time to face the music, It's time to say goodbye for good
I'm sorry

Seriously WOW!

I just want to go back

I'm missing this place and these people far to much, I guess a great part of me never left and a great part of you came with me instead. How I wish that I had you here right now.


Best Summer of My Life!


"Distance is nothing when it comes to love. Where there's a will, there's a way."

~ From a Hopeless Romantic

Twitter har sina små poeter ändå

Im having one of those days...

...Where I feel so effing romantic <3
So I'm gonna serenade you with some songs :)

Green Eyes

Du vet hur man i vissa fall inte kan sätta ord för vad man känner? Då är det en bra idé att faktiskt leta upp någon som kan göra det åt en, so I guess Take it away Mr.Martin!

Honey you are a rock 
Upon which I stand

And I come here to talk 
I hope you understand 

That green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you 
And how could, anybody, deny you 

I came here with a load 
And it feels so much lighter, now I’ve met you 
And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you 

Green eyes

Honey you are the sea 
Upon which I float

And I came here to talk 
I think you should know 

That green eyes, you’re the one that I wanted to find 
And anyone who, tried to deny you must be out of their mind 

Cause I came here with a load 
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you 
Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you 

Green eyes 
Green eyes



Honey you are a rock 
Upon which I stand

Dylan Thomas & Vincent Van Gough

Dylan Thomas
March 16, 1950
Cat: my cat: If only you would write to me: My love, oh Cat.
This is not, as it seems from the address above, a dive, a joint, saloon, etc. but the honourable & dignified headquarters of the dons of the University of Chicago.
I love you. That is all I know. But all I know, too, is that I am writing into space: the kind of dreadful, unknown space I am just going to enter. I am going to Iowa, Illinois, Idaho, Indindiana, but these, though mis-spelt, *are* on the map. You are not.
Have you forgotten me? I am the man you used to say you loved. I used to sleep in your arms - do you remember? But you never write. You are perhaps mindless of me. I am not of you. I love you
There isn't a moment of any hideous day when I do not say to myself. 'It will be alright. I shall go home. Caitlin loves me. I love Caitlin.' But perhaps you have forgotten. If you have forgotten, or lost your affection for me, please, my Cat, let me know. I Love You.

Vincent Van Gough
September 7, 1881
Life has become very dear to me, and I am very glad that I love. My life and my love are one. "But you are faced with a 'no, never never'" is your reply. My answer to that is, "Old boy, for the present I look upon that 'no, never never' as a block of ice which I press to my heart to thaw."

Den ena är rädd att förlora något han inte kan leva utan,

Den andra vill ha den sak som kommer få honom att börja leva till slut.


Ännu en ny kategori jag valt att skapåa för dem där fina texterna man ibland bara hittar helt randomly på nätet eller för när jag själv känner mig inspirerad!
Jag kommer nog använda den här kategorin mer i ett mikrobloggande syfte då man oftast inte direkt skriver en mindre uppsats, lite mer för min skull än någon annans, alltid kul att kolla tillbaka liksom :)
Anywho may I introduce to you: Cartas De Amor den nya medlemmen i Kategori skaran :D

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