Love Story

"I initially fell for David harder than he fell for me. I was in love with him before he was comfortable saying it, and I think that speaks to our past experiences. I remember saying, “I think I love you,” and he was like, “That’s really nice,” which is not necessarily what you want to hear. But I appreciated his honesty in not jumping the gun and saying something because he felt obliged to."


- Neil Patrick Harris, about the first time he said I love you too his husband.


The day you entered my life and changed it completely



Tumblr is my new lover

yeah så jag skriver aldrig här mest för att jag numera tycker twitter och tumblr är det roligaste jag hållt på med ever så jag kommer kanske skriva här lite då och då men just nu så känns det sååå mycket roligare med det andra som sagt, dock har man väll det där mönstret med att alla falla tilbaka hit så småningom igen men men the vlogs will continue och dem kommer definitivt läggas upp här med! :D

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