Everything right now
Da fuq?
Princess Of China - deCoded
Once upon a time somebody ran
Somebody ran away saying ‘fast as I can
I got to go, I got to go’
This song, in true pop fashion, is all about a break-up from each side of the couple. Chris Martin sings from his perspective first, describing how he was the one to run away from the relationship.
Once upon a time we fell apart
You’re holding in your hands the two halves of my heart
He laments about how they fell apart: his ex “held both halves of his heart”, meaning she was the one to shatter and control his emotions.
Once upon a time we burned bright
Now all we ever seem to do is fight
On and on, and on and on and on
They used to shine together as a couple: their love was a fire that could not be put out. Until they started fighting, and it wouldn’t stop.
Once upon a time on the same side
Once upon a time on the same side in the same game
Now why d’you have to go
Have to go and throw water on my flame?
They used to be on the same side, supporting each other, but now they are on opposite ends against one another. She “threw water on his flame”, meaning she put out the fire in their relationship that kept them going.
I could have been a princess, you’d be a king
Could have had a castle and worn a ring
But no o-o-o-oh you let me go o-o-o-oh-oh
I could have been a princess, you’d be a king
Could have had a castle and worn a ring
But no-o-o-o-oh you let me go-o-o-o-oh
You stole my star
Now, Rihanna sings from her perspective in the song. Playing the female role of the relationship that went sour, she sings to her lover that ran away from her. To quote Adele, they could have had it all, just like royalty, but their relationship crumbled and her “king” left. He “stole her star”, which is essentially him taking the hope out of their love: she has nothing left to wish on anymore.
‘Cos you really hurt me, no you really hurt me
‘Cos you really hurt me, no you really hurt me
‘Cos you really hurt me, oh-oh you really hurt me,
‘Cos you really hurt me, oh-oh you really hurt me
The two sing bath and forth over each other, claiming how they both hurt each other but not taking responsibility for their actions. It’s a shame their relationship had to go down so dramatically!
25 things to do before you are 25
1. Make peace with your parents. Whether you finally recognize that they actually have your best interests in mind or you forgive them for being flawed human beings, you can’t happily enter adulthood with that familial brand of resentment.
2. Kiss someone you think is out of your league; kiss models and med students and entrepreneurs with part-time lives in Dubai and don’t worry about if they’re going to call you afterward.
3. Minimize your passivity.
4. Work a service job to gain some understanding of how tipping works, how to keep your cool around assholes, how a few kind words can change someone’s day.
5. Recognize freedom as a 5:30 a.m. trip to the diner with a bunch of strangers you’ve just met.
6. Try not to beat yourself up over having obtained a ‘useless’ Bachelor’s Degree. Debt is hell, and things didn’t pan out quite like you expected, but you did get to go to college, and having a degree isn’t the worst thing in the world to have. We will figure this mess out, I think, probably; the point is you’re not worth less just because there hasn’t been an immediate pay off for going to school. Be patient, work with what you have, and remember that a lot of us are in this together.
7. If you’re employed in any capacity, open a savings account. You never know when you might be unemployed or in desperate need of getting away for a few days. Even $10 a week is $520 more a year than you would’ve had otherwise.
8. Make a habit of going outside, enjoying the light, relearning your friends, forgetting the internet.
9. Go on a 4-day, brunch-fueled bender.
10. Start a relationship with your crush by telling them that you want them. Directly. Like, look them in the face and say it to them. Say, I want you. I want to be with you.
11. Learn to say ‘no’ — to yourself. Don’t keep wearing high heels if you hate them; don’t keep smoking if you’re disgusted by the way you smell the morning after; stop wasting entire days on your couch if you’re going to complain about missing the sun.
12. Take time to revisit the places that made you who you are: the apartment you grew up in, your middle school, your hometown. These places may or may not be here forever; you definitely won’t be.
13. Find a hobby that makes being alone feel lovely and empowering and like something to look forward to.
14. Think you know yourself until you meet someone better than you.
15. Forget who you are, what your priorities are, and how a person should be.
16. Identify your fears and instead of letting them dictate your every move, find and talk to people who have overcome them. Don’t settle for experiencing .000002% of what the world has to offer because you’re afraid of getting on a plane.
17. Make a habit of cleaning up and letting go. Just because it fit at one point doesn’t mean you need to keep it forever — whether ‘it’ is your favorite pair of pants or your ex.
18. Stop hating yourself.
19. Go out and watch that movie, read that book, listen to that band you already lied about watching, reading, listening to.
20. Take advantage of health insurance while you have it.
21. Make a habit of telling people how you feel, whether it means writing a gushing fan-girl email to someone whose work you love or telling your boss why you deserve a raise.
22. Date someone who says, “I love you” first.
23. Leave the country under the premise of “finding yourself.” This will be unsuccessful. Places do not change people. Instead, do a lot of solo drinking, read a lot of books, have sex in dirty hostels, and come home when you start to miss it.
24. Suck it up and buy a Macbook Pro.
25. Quit that job that’s making you miserable, end the relationship that makes you act like a lunatic, lose the friend whose sole purpose in life is making you feel like you’re perpetually on the verge of vomiting. You’re young, you’re resilient, there are other jobs and relationships and friends if you’re patient and open.
Jag hittade denna fina lista på Tumblr, Jag tror jag ska anama den dem kommande åren tills jag blir 25 känns som rätt sak att göra :)
Laying it To Rest
Princess Of China
Electra Heart
My new obsession
One more fuckin´ Lovesong, I'll be sick
Islands & Shores

Well well
- Jag är trött på mitt jobb
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